Hello time travellers! The new round starts this week, and some changes have been made.
Members and Teams You will notice that we now have only 3 teams. This is because having 4 teams was stretching us thin and 3 teams will work better for our small community. The members cut is done, and the members list will be updated soon. Anyone can join again
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This is the post to apply to be co - maintainer of this community. You need to have had experience being a member in a Land community other than Drwholand, and have experience maintaining/moderating a livejournal community(it doesn't need to be a land community).
Tell me about yourself in the comments. How you can contribute. And if there are things
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Here is a post that will be linked on the sidebar about the extension rule which can be used if RL piles up and a challenge gets away from you, or if you want a bit more time to improve on an entry.
Each team has 2 extensions per round
You can use an extension at any point in the round
Once your team have used both extensions they don't have any more
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Here is a list of the current open challenges and voting - it will be updated whenever a new challenge starts and ends and will be linked to in the sidebar soon. Challenges will be organised by type and then with the soonest-ending at the top. All times are in UK Standard Time.
Here is the member list for this community (if I accidentally list you under the wrong team, poke me!) I'll be updating it as we go and hopefully I'll be able to keep team numbers fairly even (there won't ever be more than a 3 people gap between highest team number and lowest team number!)
Here is the post where you can apply to be a member of a team. I will try and place you in your first team choice but I want to keep the numbers as equal as I can so that might not be possible.